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Chinese Calligraphy【书法】

Huang Xin - 黄鑫

Being a lover of Chinese calligraphy, Mr. Xin Huang has practiced it for more than thirty-five years since his childhood. With more than 3,500 years of history, Chinese calligraphy has been highly regarded as one of the Chinese treasures, reflecting the styles, passions, social and artistic values of calligraphers at different times of history. Mr. Huang pursues powerful and graceful calligraphy and enjoys compelling expression of his emotion with beautiful and cultural rich Chinese brush strokes.

黄鑫喜爱中国书法,从小至今已研习书法三十五余年。中国书法一直被尊为中国的国粹之一, 三千多年来,淋漓尽致地折射出历代书法家的艺术风格、情感、及其社会和艺术价值。黄鑫更崇尚并追求遒劲雅致的书法,用蘸满浓郁中国文化的毛笔线条纵情地挥洒自己的情怀。

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