Oriental Arts Education Center
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激情绽放 不负年华-- 疫情中的OAEC

时光飞逝,年末将近。OAEC全体师生在前所未有的困境中,坚持网课,用艺术传递关爱,生命不止, 学习不停,携手走过特殊时期。

  • 东方印象2020将以特殊的形式呈现OAEC逆境前行中的坚持,努力和成长,敬请关注。
  • 今年,OAEC特别隆重推出 "疫情中的我"十秒抖音主题有奖赛。所有在册OAEC学生都可参加, 家长可以协助录制。截至日期:11/30/20 我们将从视频内容,拍摄创意等方面评选出三位优胜者,每人获$300奖学金。
  • 多年来,OAEC的学生在艺术道路上展现出了杰出的才能和无限的潜力。自2017年以来,OAEC设立了C&Y全球艺术基金会年度奖学金,每年甑选出的13名优秀学生(4-8年级每级各一名;9-12年级每级两名)每人将获得1,000美元奖学金。本年度的C&Y Global Art Foundation奖学金现已开始接受申请,截至日期:11/30/20

Thanks for all your support and hard work. While the world was standing still, OAEC never stopped. Together, we have overcome difficulties one after one. Time flies, 2020 is already nearing its end. Let's together, and make a very special Impression of 2020!

  • OAEC 2020 Virtual recital will be held on December 20th Sunday at 6:30pm. Please pay close attention for upcoming emails for further details.
  • A great news for everyone: OAEC will grandly launch the "Me in the Epidemic" 10-second TikTok Theme Video Prize Contest. All registered OAEC students can participate, and parents are welcome to assist. We will select three winners based on content expression, shooting creativity, and etc., Each winner will receive a scholarship of $300. Please send your short video to JLIB_HTML_CLOAKING before 11/30. Please follow the file name format: TikTok Contest-Student Name. The duration should not exceed 10 seconds.
  • For years, the students at OAEC have demonstrated outstanding talent and unlimited potential in the path of the arts. To further motivate the students, OAEC has set up an annually C&Y Global Art Foundation scholarship that will reward $1,000 to each outstanding student ( 4th – 8th grade one of each; 9th – 12th grade two of each). With such a prestigious award, no students should miss this wonderful opportunity to apply for this scholarship.

The application form and the requirements/regulations are attached for your reference. Please contact Li Xu at 713-503-8068 if you have any question.

View and Download the Application Form for TikTok Contest below:

C Y Dance Scholarship Appli... by oaecweb

OAEC 网络赛事掠影

OAEC 网络赛事掠影

非常时期, OAEC的师生们顺应变化,迎接挑战,克服困难,调整教学方案,确保孩子们宅家坚持训练,不断进步, 逆境绽放。 学生们参加网络舞蹈比赛,收获了最佳的竞赛体验和超越時空的学习机会。优异成绩和奖杯,不仅是对老师、孩子和家长的最大的鼓励,也是对OAEC高质量教学水平的验证和肯定。

 在7/6/2020举办的云端舞蹈大赛KAR VIRTUAL - NATIONAL FINALS 吸引了全美各大舞蹈学校1119名参赛者。OAEC年仅七岁的小茉莉Jasmine Lu的独舞《茉莉花》获Top First Award

Nichol Zheng 的独舞《蓝扇》获Elite Top First Award 和 12-14年龄组4th Overall, 总分排名高分奖;

Sherine Liu 的独舞《木兰》获Top First Award 和12-14年龄组8th Overall 及总分排名高分奖。

 STAR DANCE ALLIANCE WORLD VIRTUAL COMPETITION 以全球才艺领袖竞赛著名。 今年的虚拟比赛吸引了来自世界各地的数千参赛者。

Audrey Jin 的独舞《All I Want》获2nd Place Overall

Vivian ye 的独舞《Jaguar》获12th Place Overall


Audrey Jin《All I Want》获年龄组综合排名第一,Miss Dance第三,Top Recreational Act Award以及全额scholarship


Vivian ye 的独舞 《Never Enough》 荣获参赛组别第一名,各舞种综合排名 2nd Place Overall

In these unprecedented times due to the coronavirus, OAEC teachers and students faced many adversities. Our dance studio had to adapt to changes, adjust to new teaching plans, and overcome numerous difficulties. The teachers have tried every means to ensure that the children continue to make progress with virtual classes. Many new virtual competitions provided dancers with the best competition experience and learning opportunities beyond time and space. The excellent results of OAEC students participating in these online virtual dance competitions are not only the greatest encouragement to teachers, children, and parents, but also the verification and affirmation of OAEC's high-quality teaching.

Jasmine Lu's solo dance "Jasmine" won the Top First Award at the KAR VIRTUAL-NATIONAL FINALS

Nichol Zheng - "Blue Fan" won the Elite Top First Award and the 4th Overall of the 12-14 age group, and Overall High Point Award at the KAR VIRTUAL-NATIONAL FINALS

Sherine Liu - "Mulan" won the Top First Award and the 8th Overall of the 12-14 age group and Overall High Point Award at the KAR VIRTUAL-NATIONAL FINALS

Audrey Jin –“All I Want” won 2nd place overall at the STAR DANCE ALLIANCE WORLD VIRTUAL COMPETITION, 3rd place of National League in FUTURE HALL OF FAMER; ranked first in the age group, third in Miss Dance, and Top Recreational Act Award and full scholarship at the PLATINUM NATIONAL DANCE VIRTUAL COMPETITION

Vivian ye - "Jaguar" won 12th Place Overall in STAR DANCE ALLIANCE WORLD VIRTUAL COMPETITION; solo dance "Never Enough" won first place in category and second place overall in SHOWSTOPPER NATIONAL FINALS

Angela Liu – Solo dance “Jasmine” won the Judge’s Award at the STAR BOUND VIRTUAL TALENT COMPETITION

OAEC 2020夏季网课现在进行时

Early Registration for the Summer Semester is Now Closed! ⛱️ ☀️ ⛱️

If you did not get a chance to register before the deadline but would still like to apply, please view the Class Schedule and fill out the Registration Form.
