Nancy Henderek - OAEC Honorary Adviser
南希 東方藝術教育中心名譽顧問
Nancy has been a dancer and choreographer in Sweden, Brussels, Houston and Hong Kong. In Sweden, she was also a member of the Marchant Dance Theater in Gothenburg, directed by Claude Marchant, one of the original Katherine Dunham Company dancers. In Brussels, she taught at the International School and was Resident Choreographer. She also choreographed works for the Brussels Shakespeare Festival¸ Operetteheater, Noveau Theatre de Belgique and the American Theatre Company. In Houston, she also danced and performed for the Houston Grand Opera and taught dance at Episcopal High School and Houston Community College.She is also the Producer, Director and Founder of Dance Salad Festival. Dance Salad Festival is a project of the Houston International Dance Coalition, and is committed to a multi-cultural presentation of diverse dance disciplines at the highest professional level. Dance Salad Festival provides a venue for local, national and international choreographers, across dance disciplines, to present their work to the Houston community in a collaborative-curated performance at the city's premiere theater complex, the Wortham Center. Nancy Henderek created the concept of this curated evening of dance in 1992. She produced, directed and co-choreographed the first three Dance Salad Festival productions in Brussels, Belgium.
南希在瑞典,布魯塞爾,休斯敦和香港擔任舞蹈演員及編舞。在瑞典,她是哥德堡馬錢特舞蹈劇院的舞蹈演員。在布魯塞爾,她任教於國際學校,是駐團編舞。1992年,她在休斯敦創辦了國際舞蹈薈萃節(Dance Salad),引進國際最高專業水平的編舞及舞蹈。南希擔任東方藝術教育中心名譽顧問,將安排訪問休士頓的各國舞蹈藝術家,來中心教授大師課,并致力於中心與國際舞蹈界的多元文化交流。