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Robbie Li (李文一)

男高音。毕业于国立柴可夫斯基音乐学院(The Ukrainian National P.I.Tchaikovsky Academy of Music),学习音乐艺术(演唱)及歌剧表演专业,获得硕士学位。曾在世界各地,各种类型的表演及比赛中取得优异成绩,获得乌克兰国家科学和教育部署举办的国际声乐大赛第一名。留学期间,参与了学院内部和当地社会的歌剧场次,并担任教会唱诗班的训练工作以及各类型的社会团体和个人的演绎活动,累积了丰富的演绎和教学经验。曾应邀到中国和东欧等地的学院;音乐学府及团体交流并举办声乐讲座。

Robbie Li, guided by esteemed mentors in China and Ukraine, including Professor Hong-Hai Ma and Opera Laureate Alexander Diachenko, earned a Bachelor's and Master's in Vocal Performance from the "Tchaikovsky Music Conservatory" in Kiev.

定居美国后,积极参与中美文化交流和当地社会及侨界的各种演绎活动。在休斯敦Hobby Centre举办个人音乐会,在NBA火箭队赛前演唱美国国歌等等...屡次担当比赛评委,包括美南好声音;德州最强音;中美之星歌唱大赛,水立方杯歌手大赛等等... 涉足不同的音乐领域,身具专业的古典声乐功底,并且也有流行音乐的背景以及经验,多次参加流行音乐节及比赛等,并取得优异成绩。教授声乐,钢琴,吉他,以及乐器弹唱等。

Robbie's accolades include winning the 1st prize at the "Squilla Travnevyi Zorepad" International Singing contest in Ukraine. Among many international performances, he put on a personal concert at the Hobby Center and a rendition of the National Anthem at an Houston Rockets game.

As a versatile artist, Robbie seamlessly blends classical finesse with contemporary charisma, showcasing both vocal and instrumental prowess. He remains an active performer in Houston's vibrant music scene, enchanting audiences with his captivating voice and versatile musicality.