OAEC 参赛2015 StarQuest and Dance Showcase USA 舞蹈大赛 捷报频传
Diana Feng awarded the 1st place and overall 1st at StarQuest World Fin...Gracie Jin overall 3rd (StartQuest)Irena Wan overall 4th at Danceshowcase and 2rd in category best cusstom grand final 4thJadelynn Ko_Lyric Explosions_awarded overall 1st at StarQuest World Final dance competition 2015Jolin Sun overall 11th and category 1st at DanceshowcaseKelly Huang and Lara Li overall 2nd(Starquest) and sweet ballriinaLian and Clair Du overall 1st (Starquest)Michelle Wan overall 4th (Starquest)Olivia Wang and Daidy Lin overall 2nd (Starquest)Vivian Ye overall 2nd at (Starquest) and overall 3rd at DanceshowcaseWanshan Dai won a Costume award and Gold plate at StarQuest 2015 World Final Dance CompetationBeautful Butterful_Wanshan Dai at StarQuest 2015 USA Dance CompetationButterful_by Wanshan Dai was awarded a Gold plate and costume reward at StarQuest 2015 USADiana Feng 在Star Quest World Final dance competition won overall 1stDiana Feng 在Star Quest World Final dance competition 獲得最小年齡組第一名大獎_最佳服裝奖_還獲得去紐約 Triple Threat Talent workshop scholarshipVivien Ye was rewarded Dance Show Case Overall 3rd Place and Starbound Overall 2nd PlaceMichelle Tang_Resolution awarded 1st in Folkloric Senior Level- 1st Overall in 2015 Dance Showcase National and 2nd in Grand Showcase 2015 Olivia Wang and Daidy Lin overall 2nd (Starquest) classic level DuetOlivia wang overall 5th(Starquest) classic levelSolo Dance_The Spring_by Grace Liu was awarded overall 5th at StarQuest National 2015 The Spring_Grace Liu was awarded overall 5th at StarQuest National 2015