Celine Song - 宋笑琳
Celine Song graduated from Shanghai Dong-Hua University, the top college for professional models and designers, with bachelor degree in Fashion Design and Fashion Show.
She had undergone professional training in body physics, showmanship, dance, music, fashion shows, performing art critics, fashion photography, fashion color coordination, fashion design, accessory design, makeup, stage directing, stage design, image design, fashion news analysis and history of the eastern and western image design.
Celine modeled in Shanghai International Fashion Festivals annually. The Festival includes fashion shows presented by well-known international brands, such as VALENTINO, GIORGIO ARMANI, CK, ADIDAS, HUGO BOSS, VERSACE, JESSICA, PUMA, ESPRIT and NINE WEST.
Celine continuously modeled in seasonal fashion conferences hosted by major Chinese domestic clothing companies and Shanghai International Auto Show, including Toyota, Volkswagen and General Motors. She appeared in Shanghai TV Festival, Shanghai Film Festival and Shanghai Tourism Festival. She was invited many times to perform in Japan and Hong Kong. Her experience also includes being the contract model for a famous Japanese swimwear company, with photo shoot for magazines, performance in fashion shows and attendance in fashion release press conferences.
Adding Celine to OAEC teaching staff will provide students with multi-dimension professional training in fashion, color, design and performance. Celine believes in tailoring training to student’s unique characters in order to bring out the best potential from each individual.
主修形体训练、音乐基础、舞蹈基础、镜前训练、时装表演与舞台编导、表演艺术鉴赏、时装摄影、服装色彩搭配、服装款式设计、配件设计、化妆、舞美设计、形象设计,流行服饰与流行讯息鉴定、中西方形象设计史等,成绩均名列前茅。曾参加历届上海国际服装文化艺术节各国知名品牌设计大师的专场演出,如VALENTINO、GIORGIO ARMANI,CK、ADIDAS、HUGO BOSS、VERSACE、JESSICA、PUMA 、ESPRIT、NINEWEST等。参加国内各大服装品牌的季节发布会,上海电视节、上海电影节、上海旅游节开幕式的演出;曾多次赴日本、香港等国家地区交流演出。作为丰田、大众、通用车模,出席上海国际汽车展,并作为日本著名泳装素材制造厂特约企业模特,赴日本拍摄杂志,出席时装展及发布会的演出。
“东方艺术教育中心模特训练班”2011 秋季开课. Celine 的加盟,将为OAEC综合教育增添更加丰富的色彩,从审美意识,內心素质,外在气质,自我展示,艺术设计与表演等多方面提供专业训练。Celine推崇量体裁衣式的教学理念,擅长根据学生的自身特点,挖掘潜质,个性设计,结合东方艺术教育中心得天独厚的师资条件,通过系列综合素质训练,培养自信,身健康,具有社会竞争力的人才。