Oriental Arts Education Center
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Li Xu - 徐利

Xu Li began her formal dance training at age 11. She graduated with honors from Zhejiang Art School and Beijing Dance Academy in China. She then became the solo dancer for the first-class Oriental Song and Dance Ensemble and has represented China to perform in United States, Japan, Canada, Russia and Southeast Asia. Li has been a visiting scholar at Brigham Young University in Utah and was awarded a scholarship to study modern dance in Canada. 著名舞蹈家,舞蹈教育家。十一歲開始接受正規的舞蹈教育,繼以優異的成績畢業於浙江藝術學校和北京舞蹈學院,進入中國一流的東方歌舞團任獨舞演員,曾代表中國赴美國、日本、加拿大、俄羅斯及東南亞等國訪問演出後應聘為美國楊百翰大學訪問學者,並獲獎學金赴加拿大深造現代舞。


Xiaomin Li - 李小敏

李小敏教授 毕业于北京舞蹈学院,国家一级演员、教授,中国舞蹈家协会会员,曾任北京歌剧舞剧院主要演员。

Professor Li Xiaomin:  Graduated from the Beijing Dance Academe, a national first class dancer, member of the Chinese Dancers Association, a professional judge of the German Arts and Shuangxin Dance Competition and a judge of the Beijing University Dance Speciali st


Siqi Luo - 罗思淇

罗思淇 优秀青年舞蹈教师


Siqi Luo:  Outstanding Young Dance Teacher

Graduated with honors from Dance School in Sichuan Province and Department of Dance in School of Music at Shanghai Normal University. She taught professional dance at Dance School in Sichuan Province. She excels in organizing and planning large-scale festivals dance performances, with a wealth of experience on training at all levels of dance competitions.


Yitong Wang - 王奕童

Ms. Yitong Wang (Weinan Wang)

An outstanding young dancer graduated from Beijing Dance Academy, Yitong Wang is a certified tutor for Chinese folklore dance.

舞蹈老师 王

毕业于北京舞蹈学院民族民间舞系 表演专业。获中国民族民间舞考级1-12级高级教师资格证书。具备极高的专业素质和艺术修养,积累了丰富的舞蹈表演, 舞蹈编创和舞蹈教学经验。 


Di Zhang - 张迪

以优异成绩毕业于北京舞蹈学院 芭蕾表演专业. 以精专的舞蹈技能和全面的出色表现, 获北京舞蹈学院优秀团员和学院奖学金. 在芭蕾舞 现代舞 双人舞 性格舞 舞蹈编创和教学等方面的独到建树, 成为院校专家特别推荐的专业人选. 


Mariana Oliveira

Mariana Oliveira - Choreographer and Ballet Instructor

Originally from Brazil, Mariana Oliveira created over 30 choreographic works for dance organizations across the U.S. such as the New York City Ballet Choreographic Institute, Joffrey Ballet Academy, Ballet West Academy, Kansas City Ballet, Carolina Ballet, BalletX, Ballet Memphis, Richmond Ballet, Dayton Ballet, Milwaukee Ballet, Madison Ballet, National Choreographers Initiative, Ballet Arkansas, American Midwest Ballet, Chicago Repertory Ballet, University of North Carolina School of the Arts, The University of Oklahoma School of Dance, among others.


Weiwei Cook

Weiwei Cook

Traditional Chinese Dance / Ballet Instructor

Since 2015, Ms. Weiwei started teaching Chinese dance and ballet in the Katy/ Houston area.

Ms. Weiwei started her Chinese dance classes as a young girl at just seven years old and started her professional dance training at age 13.

In 1990, Weiwei was granted admission into the Shenyang Conservatory of Music dance school with over 4,000 other auditioning dancers. While attending, she studied Chinese traditional dance and ballet. After graduation, Weiwei worked for Shenyang Dance and Music Ensemble as a lead dancer.


Dan Pan - 潘丹

In 1992 because of her high marks, Pan Dan graduated from Beijing Dance Academy with honors and entered the famous Oriental Song and Dance Ensemble. Has performed on many stages around the world including Korea, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Macao, Poland, Russia, France, Australia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Canada, and the United States to promote arts and cultural exchange. 中国舞蹈家协会会员 1988年考入北京舞蹈学院东方舞系.1992年以优异的成绩毕业于北京舞蹈学院后进入东方歌舞团。


Xiaoping Li - 李晓萍

Xiaoping Li   - 李晓萍

李晓萍,舞蹈教师。 毕业于河北省艺术学院舞蹈专业, 之后于中央歌舞团学习深造。中国舞蹈家协会会员。专注于舞蹈教育和培训工作三十年。在舞蹈教育中注重培养学生的基本技能和全面素质;在舞蹈编导中融合芭蕾舞形式与中国文化,呈现独特的艺术风格。

Li Xiaoping, dance teacher. Graduated from the Dance Department of Hebei Academy of Fine Arts, and furthered studies at the China National Song & Dance Ensemble. A member of the Chinese Dancers Association. She dedicated to dance education and training for thirty years. Emphasizes the cultivation of fundamental skills and students' overall qualities in dance education; integrates ballet forms with Chinese culture in dance choreography, presenting a unique artistic style.


Priscilla Nathan

Priscilla Nathan-Murphy OAEC Chief Arts Consultant

普斯拉   東方藝術教育中心藝術顧問


Jian Xin - 辛建

Xin Jian graduated from Shanghai Drama and Performing Arts Institute with a Bachelor of Arts degree.

戲劇表演老师 辛建畢業於上海戲劇學院,獲表演專業學士學位,主修表演,台詞,形體,聲樂, 戲劇文學及中國戲劇史等。


Celine Song - 宋笑琳

Celine Song  graduated from Shanghai Dong-Hua University, the top college for professional models and designers, with bachelor degree in Fashion Design and Fashion Show.



Shen Long- 龙燊

Shen Long- 龙燊 体操教练

在队期间曾任体操、艺术体操的助理教练及初级裁判,退役后持续从事教练工作,具有较强的教学潜力和较为丰富的教学经验,个人是教学风格注重基础技术累积, 教学方式 多样,做到因材施教,不急不躁,循序渐进,课堂关键词:质感,欢乐,好奇心,认真,严谨,自信


Cindy Mao - 毛欣

Soprano Cindy Mao
毛欣 女高音歌唱家

Soprano Cindy Mao graduated from Wuhan Conservatory of Music with a BA degree and subsequently taught at the school upon graduation. Ms. Mao started her performing career at age 14 and won first-prize award in a professional vocal competition in China in 1987. She studied under Professors Wang Huinian of China Central Broadcasting Art Troupe, Jiang Zhenyu of Wuhan Conservatory of Music and Zhou Meiyu of China Central Conservatory.

毛欣畢業於武漢音樂學院聲樂系. 她十四歲開始舞台演出生涯,先後師從於中央廣播藝術團王薈年教授,武漢音樂學院蔣箴予教授,中央音樂學院周美玉教授. 一九八七年獲湖北省聲樂比賽專業組第一名. 自武漢音樂學院畢業後留校任教,並被選送到中央音樂學院進修學習. 旅居美國後先後活躍在舊金山灣區和休斯敦的音樂舞台上,並分別於1998年和2006年在舊金山赫斯特劇院和休斯敦哈比演藝中心成功舉辦個人獨唱音樂會,2010年11月成功舉辦個人獨唱音樂會《乘著歌聲的翅膀》受到廣大歌迷的


Robbie Li - 李文一

Robbie Li (李文一)

男高音。毕业于国立柴可夫斯基音乐学院(The Ukrainian National P.I.Tchaikovsky Academy of Music),学习音乐艺术(演唱)及歌剧表演专业,获得硕士学位。曾在世界各地,各种类型的表演及比赛中取得优异成绩,获得乌克兰国家科学和教育部署举办的国际声乐大赛第一名。留学期间,参与了学院内部和当地社会的歌剧场次,并担任教会唱诗班的训练工作以及各类型的社会团体和个人的演绎活动,累积了丰富的演绎和教学经验。曾应邀到中国和东欧等地的学院;音乐学府及团体交流并举办声乐讲座。

Robbie Li, guided by esteemed mentors in China and Ukraine, including Professor Hong-Hai Ma and Opera Laureate Alexander Diachenko, earned a Bachelor's and Master's in Vocal Performance from the "Tchaikovsky Music Conservatory" in Kiev.


YiXiu Yan - 阎亦修

A member of Chinese Bamboo Flute Professional Committee and used to be a training teacher at Zhang lizhong orchestral music studio, JICHANG QIAN elementary school, XINHUA elementary school and at HAILANG model training school in China.



Lina Wang - 王利娜

Lina Wang - 王利娜



Yuanyuan Yang

Yuan Yang Piano Instructor, Pianist

Mrs. Yang graduated from Shanghai Conservatory majored in Music Education with primary instrument of piano. With 20 years of teaching experience, her students have won awards in major competitions in both China and US. Mrs Yang is very active pianist on stage. She participated in the performances (chamber music) of various universities in Xian with Ren Tian and Hao Changjiang, violin professor of the West Sound Orchestra Department. She played Beethoven's fifth piano concerto "the emperor" with Shanxi philharmonic orchestra in 2007.Strict with herself in teaching, she has a strict grasp of basic skills. Mrs Yang is good at discovering and developing students' potential, finding out their interest points, and choosing works in line with students' style. She has developed a unique teaching pedagogy in the field of four - hands piano, allowing many students to play with a new style.

Mrs. Yang will offer piano lessons in OAEC start this Fall, to share her proven teaching experience with more kids who loves music!

Teaching location, OAEC main campus (10600 Richmond Ave.)

Please contact Mrs. Yang at 832-332-0939 to reserve your class time.

Tuition rate:30 minutes/ $5545 minutes/ $8060 minutes/ $110

Registration link: https://registration.oaec-us.com


Jingxia Yu - 郁静霞

Ms Jingxia Yu graduated from Shanghai Conservatory of Music, majoring in Violin. Ms. Yu is good at violin  performance. She was in the First Violin section of Shanghai Orchestra, Shanghai Opera House Orchestra and Shanghai City Symphony Orchestra..

郁静霞老师 毕业于上海音乐学院小提琴专业,毕业后,一直活跃于小提琴演奏舞台。曾任上海乐团、上海歌剧院交响乐队以及上海城市交响乐团第一小提琴手,并录制个人小提琴演奏专辑


Tenghis Tian

Tenghis Tian

Clarinet Instructor

Mr. Tian is a Board Member of Chinese Musicians Association and has a master’s degree from Texas. He is an active Clarinetist in Austin Symphony Orchestra and an examiner at the China Central Conservatory of Music.

Mr. Tian is American Distinguished Talent Artist has served as a judge at major competitions in the country and has published several articles in major newspapers and books. He’s also a National Clarinet Patent and has done World Tour Concerts.


Haoxiang Zhang - 张皓祥

Haoxiang Zhang - 张皓祥

2011年毕业于天津美术学院雕塑系,获学士学位。2012年赴美留学,并先后在美国旧金山艺术大学和休斯顿大学获得了艺术类的双硕士学位。在美留学期间曾策划、组织和参与了多次不同级别的跨国展览,并在2019年5月策划和组织了名为《Art China》的休斯顿大学学生中国访学交流活动。

在休斯顿大学进修期间,张皓翔曾任教于本校的雕塑系两年半,并于 2019年开始从事课外美术培训以及艺术类大学申请辅导。


Huang Xin - 黄鑫

Being a lover of Chinese calligraphy, Mr. Xin Huang has practiced it for more than thirty-five years since his childhood. With more than 3,500 years of history, Chinese calligraphy has been highly regarded as one of the Chinese treasures, reflecting the styles, passions, social and artistic values of calligraphers at different times of history. Mr. Huang pursues powerful and graceful calligraphy and enjoys compelling expression of his emotion with beautiful and cultural rich Chinese brush strokes.

黄鑫喜爱中国书法,从小至今已研习书法三十五余年。中国书法一直被尊为中国的国粹之一, 三千多年来,淋漓尽致地折射出历代书法家的艺术风格、情感、及其社会和艺术价值。黄鑫更崇尚并追求遒劲雅致的书法,用蘸满浓郁中国文化的毛笔线条纵情地挥洒自己的情怀。


Tony Lin

Interactive Math

Do you think math is boring, difficult, or even frightening?

I can help you overcome those barriers.

Do you want to get ahead in math, get a perfect SAT score, or even win math competitions?

I can help you achieve those goals.



Nancy Henderek

Nancy Henderek - OAEC Honorary Adviser

南希 東方藝術教育中心名譽顧問


Ling Bao - 鲍玲

Director of the Houston Huaxing Art Groupe, Chairman of the South American Chinese Artists Allain (SACAA), and Art Director of the Oriental Art Education Center. Participated in the organization of various large-scale cultural activities, and served as the executive director of the 35th Anniversary of the South American News, the 《Community Dance》;

休斯敦华星艺术团团长, 东方艺术教育中心艺术总监

休斯敦华星艺术团团长,美南中国艺术家联盟(SACAA)理事长, 东方艺术教育中心艺术总监。参与策划、组织各项大型文化活动, 先后担任美南新闻成立35周年大型综艺晚会- 《族群共舞》执行导演。