Oriental Arts Education Center
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OAEC won two Overall Champions and the highest awards at Dance Showcase USA competition 2013

2013 Dance Show Case USA Competition was held at Stafford Center 4/5 to 4/7. OAEC won two Overall Champions and the highest awards. Student Michelle Tang’s solo “Quest” won Teen division, Folkloric Solo Platinum 1st place, Solo overall 1st place, “River Song”, performed by Sharon Li, won Senior division, Folkloric Solo Platinum 1st place, Solo overall1st place; “Velvet Flowers” won Duet folkloric Platinum 1st place; Wenson Tnag’s “Wind of Fan” won folkloric 1st place, overall 4th place; “Mulan”, performed by Carolyn Zhang, won folkloric Platinum reward; Joline Sun’s “Storm” won contemporary 5-6 yr category 1st place and elite gold award.