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- Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 January 2024 01:53
罗思淇 优秀青年舞蹈教师
以优异的成绩毕业于四川省舞蹈学校,上海师范大学音乐学院舞蹈系. 任教于四川省舞蹈学校专业舞蹈教师, 擅长组织策划大型节庆活动舞蹈表演, 具有培训选手参加各级舞蹈大赛的丰富经历.
Siqi Luo: Outstanding Young Dance Teacher
Graduated with honors from Dance School in Sichuan Province and Department of Dance in School of Music at Shanghai Normal University. She taught professional dance at Dance School in Sichuan Province. She excels in organizing and planning large-scale festivals dance performances, with a wealth of experience on training at all levels of dance competitions.
具有系统全面的中国民族民间舞蹈和舞蹈教育专业知识. 在古典芭蕾和现代舞蹈领域具有丰富的编创,教育及表演训练经验. 罗思淇充满活力和创新精神,将会给东方艺术教育中心的舞蹈教学,创作和表演注入无限的生命力。
- 2003年 全国第七届“桃李杯”舞蹈比赛芭蕾少年乙组优秀表演奖;
- 2005年6月 上海大学生文艺汇演, 舞蹈《踢踏鼓》荣获编创一等奖
- 2007年8月 参加全国第八届文化艺术院校奖舞蹈比赛《祈福》荣获三等奖。
- 2007年 6月 上海师范大学 “新作品发表会”《共同度过》获得创作二等奖、《心路》 获得创作优秀奖。
- 2007年 8月 华东六省舞蹈比赛群舞《青春礼赞》获得一等奖。
- 2008年10月 第一届中国大学生荷花奖舞蹈比赛(中国太原),获得大赛银奖,获奖舞蹈节目, 《门》
- 2011年5月 为纪念中国512特大地震专场晚会编排节目《我祝愿》
- 2011年7月 澳大利亚wolonggong城市艺术节舞蹈比赛获爵士舞金奖、现代舞冠军赛铜奖
- 2011年7月 学生王靓在2011年澳大利亚麦当劳奖学金比赛古典芭蕾16组获得银奖
- 2011年7月 学生高梦在2011年澳大利亚wolonggong城市艺术节舞蹈比赛古典芭蕾获得金奖
- 2011年7月 创编作品《传说》在澳大利亚麦当劳奖学金比赛现代舞组 获得第四名
Teacher Luo has comprehensive and systematic expertise of Chinese folk dance and dance education. She has great experience of choreography, education and performance training in the field of classical ballet and modern dance. Siqi Luo is so dynamic with innovative spirit which will bring infinite vitality into teaching, creation and performance at Oriental Arts Education Center.
Teacher Luo, as a member of dance troupe of Shanghai Normal University, has participated in 2008 Slavic Festival in Belarus, the 41st Kaustinin Folk Music Festival in Finland, 2008 Potsdam Chinese Cultural Festival in Germany and the special performance held in the City Theatre of wolonggong, Australia in July 2011.
· 2003, Outstanding Performance Award of Ballet Junior B group in 7th National "Tao Li Cup" Dance Competition
· June 2005, First prize of innovation by "Tap the Drum" at Students Joint Performance of Arts in Shanghai Universities
· August 2007, Third prize by "Blessing" in 8th Dance Competition of National Cultural and Artistic Institutions
· June 2007, Second prize of creation by “Go Through Together” and honorable mention by “Road of Mind” in “Release of New Works”at Shanghai Normal University
· August 2007, First prize by group dance “Youth Praise” in Dance Competition of 6 provinces in East China
· October 2008, Silver medal by "The Gate" in the first Chinese University Students Lotus Award Dance Competition (Taiyuan, China)
· May 2011, Choreographed "I wish" in the Special Evening Programs to Commemorate the Devastating Earthquake on May 12th in China
· July 2011, Won gold medal in Jazz and bronze medal in Modern Dance Championships in Dance Competition of Wolonggong City Arts Festival in Australia
· July 2011, Had a student, Liang Wang, winning the Silver Award of group 16 of Classical Ballet in McDonald's Scholarship Competition in Australia in Had a student, Meng Gao, winning the Gold Award of Classical Ballet in Dance Competition of Wolonggong City Arts Festival in Australia in July 2011
· July 2011, Won the Fourth Place by choreographed work “Legend” in the Group of Modern Dance in McDonald's Scholarship Competition in Australia