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OAEC三名学员洛杉矶参加海外桃李杯-第五届国际舞蹈大赛捧回两金奖一银奖 为了加快中国舞蹈融入世界的步伐,为了让世界更深刻地了解中华舞韵之神奇,为了给全世界舞蹈爱好者一个向舞蹈艺术表示最深刻崇拜的舞台,(香港)国际艺术专业等级评审协会与美国泛美中国舞蹈爱好者联盟,中华文化艺术研究学会, 中华文化五洲行组委会联手隆重推出“海外桃李杯—第五届国际舞蹈大赛”,这是中华舞蹈主导的与世界接轨的专业国际舞蹈新品牌。  

海外桃李杯暨第五届国际舞蹈大赛北美赛区选拔赛于8/2洛杉矶成功举办,东方艺术教育中心选派的三名优秀学员在与来自全美各舞校和专业舞蹈团体高手的竞赛中,以到位的表演风格,过硬的技巧和扎实的基本功, 赢得两金一银,并以超强的实力获2016年2月全球总决赛参赛资格。Jadelynn Ko以现代舞Lyric Explosions获少年A组金奖, Irena Wan 以优美的 “空谷幽兰” 赢得少年B组金奖,年仅八岁的Diana Feng 以 独舞 “爱莲说” 捧回儿童组银奖。

“桃李杯”舞蹈大赛是享誉国际的权威性专业舞蹈比赛, 能在桃李杯的舞台上得到专家的认可, 得到奖项, 是对舞者的专业水准的最高肯定。 海外桃李杯汇集了国际舞蹈界最珍贵的国宝级舞蹈艺术家,由老一辈舞蹈艺术家、原桃李杯创始人潘志涛教授全力策划推出。 海外桃李杯得到了中国人民对外友好协会和中国教育国际交流协会支持,特邀嘉宾、艺术顾问包括中国舞蹈家协会分党组书记 冯双白, 北京舞蹈学院创建人 贾作光, 北京舞蹈学院副院长 赵铁春, 中国舞蹈家协会分党组副书记、秘书长 罗  斌,原北京舞蹈学院副院长,现任文化部艺术司副司长 明文军,著名舞蹈教育家 许文绮等。在选拔新人、培养新人的同时,更注重现场作品的发挥,最终目的是将中华舞艺推向国际大舞台。在成熟的时机,组委会将组织优秀节目进行国际巡演。

Sharon Li is crowned Miss Chinese New Year Houston 2015

The 45th Houston Miss Chinatown Scholarship Pageant was held at J.W. Marriott Hotel 7/25 Saturday. OAEC student Sharon Li’s excellent performed on Form and Fitness, Talent, Formal Gown and Personality and Poise segments crowned the Miss Chinese New Year Houston 2015, 1st princess, and awarded a $2500 scholarship. She was voted by fellow contestants and rewarded Miss Congeniality with additional $300 scholarship as well.

Sharon Li graduate from Pearland’s Dawson High School with 2015 Magna Cum Laude and is an incoming freshman at Yale University.

 Sharon has loved dance since she was three. She has won 1st Place overall in numerous dance competitions including the USA Dance Showcase and StarQuest International Dance Competition in 2014.

Besides being a passionate dancer, Sharon is a poet, a leader, and a scientist.  Sharon has shown special talent in poetry since a young age.  Her poetry has won first places and has been published in the Poetry Society of Texas.  Sharon is a co-author of a scientific publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society and has conducted scientific research in the Methodist hospital in Houston and Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, New York.  Sharon and her siblings also founded a 501(c)3 non-profit called “We Care Act”  in 2008 in response to the Sichuan Earthquake in China. Since then this organization has helped victims from 12 natural disasters in China, Haiti, Japan, the Philippines, Nepal, and the US, by raising funds and collecting and sending over 30,000 items.  Sharon is a Coca-Cola scholar and one of the MSN’s 16 Incredible Kids Who Are Saving the World and has received the Congressional award gold medal and president’s volunteer service award.

In the future, Sharon plans to bridge her passion for science and service by becoming a Doctor of Public Health and traveling the world to aid those in need.

Congratulations! The best wishes to Sharon Li, the love of OAEC teachers and students will travel with her whenever and wherever she goes.

2015 舞蹈赛季OAEC屡战报捷

比赛作为孩子学舞过程中的一种动力, 能使孩子快速成长, 最重要的并非是否获奖, 而是永远超越自己的昨天,清楚自己的优势和弱点, 逐一突破, 磨练毅力, 培养自信, 训练的过程和参赛的经历是成长的最大的收获.

OAEC 参赛2015 StarQuest and Dance Showcase USA 舞蹈大赛 捷报频传

OAEC 参赛2015 StarQuest and Dance Showcase USA 舞蹈大赛 捷报频传

Skyfall awarded Overall first place at 2015 Platinum National dance competition

Skyfall awarded Overall first place at 2015 Platinum National dance competition  on May 17

Showstopper 全美舞蹈大赛 OAEC再创佳绩

全美最具影响力的舞蹈大赛ShowStopper2015 德州分区赛于4/17- 4/19 在Stafford Center 举行, 高手云集, 竞争激烈。OAEC 18支原创舞蹈均在激烈角逐中脱颖而出,获得出色奖项,其中12个舞蹈荣获同年龄组不同舞种总分排名Top 10。学员们的优异表现充分印证了中心舞蹈专业的教学水准和编创实力。OAEC 学员参加Hall of Fame Dance Challenge和KAR 专业舞蹈大赛, 也取得优异成绩。 扎实的基础训练和个性化的编舞集训, 使学员们的表演技巧显著提高, 并通过参赛锻炼, 培养学生健康的心理素质和全面发展的竞争能力。OAEC将于6/2-7/10举办夏季舞蹈比赛集训营, 为全美舞蹈总决赛培训选手, 正接受报名。详情请查oaec-us.com


东方艺术教育中心角逐全美舞蹈大赛 成绩斐然

OAEC学生参加了3/27-3/29在休斯顿地区举行的Dance Showcase, Starbound全美舞蹈大赛, 所有参赛学生均在激烈角逐中脱颖而出,表现优异,无一例外成功获得出色奖项, 充分印证了中心舞蹈专业的教学水准和编创实力。夏季舞蹈比赛集训营将于6/2-7/10举办, 为全美舞蹈总决赛培训选手. 现正接受报名,  

详情请洽713-818-2683 或查阅网站oaec-us.com


OAEC won two Overall Champions and the highest awards at Dance Showcase USA competition 2013

2013 Dance Show Case USA Competition was held at Stafford Center 4/5 to 4/7. OAEC won two Overall Champions and the highest awards. Student Michelle Tang’s solo “Quest” won Teen division, Folkloric Solo Platinum 1st place, Solo overall 1st place, “River Song”, performed by Sharon Li, won Senior division, Folkloric Solo Platinum 1st place, Solo overall1st place; “Velvet Flowers” won Duet folkloric Platinum 1st place; Wenson Tnag’s “Wind of Fan” won folkloric 1st place, overall 4th place; “Mulan”, performed by Carolyn Zhang, won folkloric Platinum reward; Joline Sun’s “Storm” won contemporary 5-6 yr category 1st place and elite gold award.

OAEC won two grand awards in Global Chinese Talent (dance) Competition

OAEC won two grand awards in 2012 Culture China the Global Chinese Talent (dance) Competition

The Global Chinese Talent Dancing Contest Final was held in Shenzhen Nov. 28. OAEC student Vicky Weng’s solo dance "Zen" won the Silver Medal, "Ronghua" danced by Daisy Lin won the top ten outstanding performances. Both dances were elected to participate in the awards ceremony.

Vicky Weng's  solo dance 'Zen'

Daisy Lin's solo dance 'Ronghua'

OAEC Vicky Weng won 1st Place of Overall in StarQuest World Finals 2012

Vicky Weng, 14years old student of OAEC, competed in 2012 StarQuest International World Finals 7/5 at Wisconsin Dells, WI, won the Platinum Award on Modern Dance and the first place Teen Solo Overall which is rewarded the highest scoring entry all dance within “Classic” levels. Her modern piece “Calm”, choreography by Jiani Gu,used contemporary modern style combined with Chinese dance elements, excellently in incorporate balance, control, and extension moves. Her outstanding performance won a four inches trophy and received $500 gift certificate for any of 2013 StarQuest regional or world finals competitions.

Vicky Weng won a top award- Platinum on another routine, Folkloric Solo Dance at the world Finals as well. Her “Calligraphy” using Chinese classical dance styles, encompassing the balance, flexibility and control utilizing the lyrics and feeling of the music, not only received the 1st Place in Folkloric Solo Dance, but also won a “Delicate as a flower” special award from all level and division of the world finals.

Congratulate to Vicky Weng! OAEC is proud of all students’ great scores and appreciated all teachers’ excellent efforts. OAEC is fulfilled confidence for helping every kid toward the road of success.

Vicky Weng won 1st Place Teen Solo Overall in StarQuest World Finals 2012

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