Oriental Arts Education Center
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A member of Chinese Bamboo Flute Professional Committee and used to be a training teacher at Zhang lizhong orchestral music studio, JICHANG QIAN elementary school, XINHUA elementary school and at HAILANG model training school in China.


Sylvia followed Master Lizhong Zhang, the famous pipes player in china, an educationist, executive director of professional committee of Chinese bamboo flute association, to learn Chinese traditional musical instruments, Bamboo Flute ,Bawu, Hulusi, Xun, Xiao and Paixiao since 1997.
Sylvia came to Houston in 2008 and has been performing in many major community events, including the most recent “World Expo 2010 Shanghai and New Year” variety show hosted by City of Houston and the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China, Houston.

 2008年赴美,受邀為休斯頓僑社中秋晚會,聯合校友會慶聖誕晚會,中國人活動中心成立十三週年慶祝活動,第四屆休斯頓《歡歡喜喜大團圓》大型春節綜藝晚會獨奏。 2009年底,參加由中華人民共和國駐Houston領事館和Houston政府聯合舉辦的《迎世博、慶新年文藝晚會》,用4種樂器演出聯奏,以及在中華民樂隊為各界僑胞奉獻的高雅絢麗的民族音樂會上,用6種樂器演出了聯奏《中國風情》,受到高度評價。   閆亦修是中國竹笛專業委員會會員。曾任張立忠民族管樂工作室竹笛教師,兼任大連機場前小學、新華小學、大連海浪模特藝術學校竹笛教師。多次參加電視台的青少年欄目、文藝綜合欄目演播及國內外各種大型慶典和中外交流活動演出、積累了豐富的教學和演出經驗。