Oriental Arts Education Center
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Li Xu - 徐利

Xu Li began her formal dance training at age 11. She graduated with honors from Zhejiang Art School and Beijing Dance Academy in China. She then became the solo dancer for the first-class Oriental Song and Dance Ensemble and has represented China to perform in United States, Japan, Canada, Russia and Southeast Asia. Li has been a visiting scholar at Brigham Young University in Utah and was awarded a scholarship to study modern dance in Canada. 著名舞蹈家,舞蹈教育家。十一歲開始接受正規的舞蹈教育,繼以優異的成績畢業於浙江藝術學校和北京舞蹈學院,進入中國一流的東方歌舞團任獨舞演員,曾代表中國赴美國、日本、加拿大、俄羅斯及東南亞等國訪問演出後應聘為美國楊百翰大學訪問學者,並獲獎學金赴加拿大深造現代舞。

Xu Li is a certified dance teacher by the US Texas Bureau of Education and an outstanding teacher in Houston Independent School District. Influenced by both Eastern and Western dance spirits, she illustrates her unique style in choreography and dance education. In 1996, Xu Li held a very successful individual dance show. In 1997, she co-founded J & L Dance School with China’s first-class dancer Zhou Jie in Houston. With high-quality teaching staff and dedication to cultural exchange, J & L Dance School became the most influential and one of the fastest-growing Chinese dance schools in the States. Driven by the motivation to promote Chinese culture in the community, Xu Li established Oriental Arts Education Center in 2010. As Director of OAEC, Xu Li would like to join effort with other artists in Houston community to offer quality education for oriental arts as well as building a common framework to promote cultural heritage and cultural exchange between East and West.

著名舞蹈家,舞蹈教育家。十一歲開始接受正規的舞蹈教育,繼以優異的成績畢業於浙江藝術學校和北京舞蹈學院,進入中國一流的東方歌舞團任獨舞演員,曾代表中國赴美國、日本、加拿大、俄羅斯及東南亞等國訪問演出後應聘為美國楊百翰大學訪問學者,並獲獎學金赴加拿大深造現代舞。徐利獲北京舞蹈学院中国舞考级教师资格证书及美國德州教育局舞蹈教師證書,是休斯頓公立學校在職優秀教師。她融會東西方舞蹈思想,在創作及教學上自立其風格。 1996年在美國休士頓成功地舉辦個人舞展,1997年與舞蹈家週潔共同創辦的周潔徐利舞蹈學校,其優質的教學和傑出的文化交流,使該校成為休斯頓最具影響力的舞蹈學校,也是全美最成功,發展最快的華人舞蹈學校之一。 2010年創建東方藝術教育中心,將與休斯頓地區熱愛藝術和藝術教育的志同道合者,攜手並進,在全新的起點和更廣闊的層面上,共同構架東西方文化傳承和文化交流的橋樑。在舞蹈教學上,擅長中國古典舞蹈身韻,氣息;跳,轉,翻等技巧全面,教學充滿激情,深受生歡迎。精通中國舞的四大瑰寶:扇,袖,絹,劍並有獨到之處。在編舞方面,融匯東西文化,借鑒西方現代舞蹈語彙,結合東方舞蹈元素,創作了許多精品,如“夢蝶” “走進西藏” “水墨春秋” “天路” 等。特別是能針對不同學生的條件,從音樂選擇,舞蹈編排,服裝設計各個方面揚長避短,將孩子的潛力發揮到極致,使得學生不僅參賽屢屢獲獎,更重要的是通過學習舞蹈,參加演出和比賽,全面地了解和認識自我,收穫自信。近年來,徐利在休斯頓公立學校從事專業舞蹈教學的體驗,更從理論和實踐中堅定了她的教育理念,用愛和美去關注每一顆心靈,用東西文化藝術全面地培養健康的個性。