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Soprano Cindy Mao
毛欣 女高音歌唱家

Soprano Cindy Mao graduated from Wuhan Conservatory of Music with a BA degree and subsequently taught at the school upon graduation. Ms. Mao started her performing career at age 14 and won first-prize award in a professional vocal competition in China in 1987. She studied under Professors Wang Huinian of China Central Broadcasting Art Troupe, Jiang Zhenyu of Wuhan Conservatory of Music and Zhou Meiyu of China Central Conservatory.

毛欣畢業於武漢音樂學院聲樂系. 她十四歲開始舞台演出生涯,先後師從於中央廣播藝術團王薈年教授,武漢音樂學院蔣箴予教授,中央音樂學院周美玉教授. 一九八七年獲湖北省聲樂比賽專業組第一名. 自武漢音樂學院畢業後留校任教,並被選送到中央音樂學院進修學習. 旅居美國後先後活躍在舊金山灣區和休斯敦的音樂舞台上,並分別於1998年和2006年在舊金山赫斯特劇院和休斯敦哈比演藝中心成功舉辦個人獨唱音樂會,2010年11月成功舉辦個人獨唱音樂會《乘著歌聲的翅膀》受到廣大歌迷的

Since moving to the United States in 1993, she has been an acclaimed performing artist in San Francisco and Houston’s Chinese communities. Among her many performances were a solo concert at the prestigious Herbst Theatre in San Francisco in 1998, solo recital at Houston’s Hobby Center in 2006 and “Cindy Mao in Concert 2010”.

She has also been a successful recording artist and vocal instructor. In December 2009, she held her first student recital at the Morris Cultural Arts Center of Houston Baptist University.

Curriculum:Vocal Techniques,Solfeggio and Music Theory Fundamentals

熱情支持和高度評價.  1999年,湖南音像出版社和美國中國書刊社共同推出毛欣的演唱專輯《新中國五十週年創作金曲》.  2007年在中央電視台《中華情》劇組北美地區的演出中擔任獨唱.
除了演出和錄音,毛欣還是一名優秀的聲樂教師. 從武漢音樂學院到休斯敦,她從未間斷過聲樂教學.  2009年12月,她在休斯敦舉辦了首次學生音樂會,被休斯敦的華文媒體讚譽為“高水平的藝術盛宴”.

作為一名抒情花腔女高音,毛欣具有十分甜美的音色和超強的藝術感染力. 美國《世界日報》在描述毛欣在音樂會中的表現時寫道:“毛欣的歌聲就像一根無形的線,而觀眾就像線上的木偶,心緒完全被她的歌聲牽制,隨著她的歌聲起伏.